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FVM Medicare

A basic application that helps user retrieve and share their medical records on FVM.

FVM Medicare

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

FVM Medicare Decentralized Medical Records

FVM Medicare enables people to store, retrieve, and share their medical records on FVM by giving our clients a mechanism to store their data safely, persistently, and decentralized.

First, the user connects with their wallet. After signing up, they mint an NFT of their medical records after which they can use the NFT to access the platform.

Features Retrieve Medical Records by Doctors Share and Revoke Medical Records Access Scheduling Video call appointments. Appointment messaging between doctor and patient

How it's Made

First, we used Solidity to deploy into FVM. Then the other technologies used are: Filecoin API Filecoin HARDHAT KIT Huddle Lighthouse Push Protocol Spheron

We used the filecoin hardhat kit to deploy the contracts to the Fevm and then we used the lighthouse sdk to upload the files to ipfs, then we also used their access features to allow patients to be able to share access to their data and also to be able to revoke access to their data.

There were a few scary moments with lighthouse though, especially when i found out that they didn't allow text encrypted uploads in the browser which broke my poor heart, but we were able to find a workaround and through the wonderful nature of js parsed the data into a file which could then be uploaded.

Next we used push protocol to along a form of communication between the patients and the doctors. This action is used when the patients are securing an appointment or when the doctors are responding to the patient's appointment request. Push protocol wasn't live on hyperspace so we had to create a channel on goerli after which we sent notification messages with a unique key to identify them. Now due to the fact that user's had to opt-in (signing a message on goerli) before they could get the message as a notification, we opted to use the spam filter supplied by the team as we used the channels private key to send the messages from the patients to doctors and vice versa.

And lasting hosting on spheron

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