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FVM Lending Protocol

This project is a lending protocol for Filecoin Storage Provider. Anyone can lend a loan to Storage Providers by depositing FIL into the protocol. To decries the risk of default, SPs are needed to be added to whitelist for borrowing.

FVM Lending Protocol

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

The Lending Pool for Filecoin Storage Providers enables FIL holders to earn income through interest. It allows Storage Providers to expand their business efficiently and provides an easy-to-use user experience with the ability to deposit, withdraw, confirm, and view profits and losses. The interest earned by users depends on the percentage of their deposit in the pool. Borrowers also have a user-friendly experience and can make new loans, view repayment schedules, and have their loans automatically repaid from the designated beneficiary address. Only listed Storage Providers can borrow from the FIL deposit pool. If a contract is unable to repay the loan, the risk increases and the full funds are taken from the beneficiary.

How it's Made

This project use Zondax’s filecoin-solidity API for interacting with filecoin actors. Especially, I often use MinerAPI.sol and SendAPI.sol. It allowed me to save my tons of time to understand filecoin backend system, and I could focus building contract. I used hardhat as contract building framework.

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