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A new interoperability solution that is specialized in data acquisition. Data from other chains can be used cheaply and quickly.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Valist β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Hello Futaba's World!

We develop new cross-chain data acquisition.

Very simply put, it is a nice combination of messaging and oracle.

In the form of a chain link data feed, Futaba allows information from other chains to be retrieved and used as variables without having to issue a transaction.

If this type of data acquisition were to be done with existing messaging, it would result in a large number of transactions.

Therefore, we will develop a new form of interoperability solution dedicated to data acquisition as an alternative to messaging technology.

Developers will be able to easily reference information from other chains, enabling them to authenticate using other chains' DIDs, collaborate on NFTs, etc.

How it's Made

On-chain information is obtained and data is validated using Oracle.We would like to decide which oracle to use.The demonstration uses Solidity's contract to get data from other chains and communicate it to the developer. In addition, we are considering the possibility of using The graph to acquire on-chain data.

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