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Fresh Finds Gardens

Beginner here creating a dApp using a verified social login.

Fresh Finds Gardens

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

This project creates an opportunity for backyard gardeners to post vegetable produce. Social login will add verification to the dApp for both gardeners and consumers wanting to purchase fresh produce. This service will blend nicely with eco tourism as a garden tour feature can be an optional feature.

How it's Made

This project uses Web3 Auth for social login to an app for backyard gardeners and consumers wanting to buy fresh produce. A location service filter can be applied in the future to generalize the garden location until actual purchase is made. This project will help the average person who is willing to sell their garden produce. Since this dApp can be used anywhere in the world, it is perfect for eco tourism. With blockchain tracking of transactions, a backyard gardener can build a social reputation which lends itself to trust.

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