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We're going to use Lens Protocol and its NFT profile/post/comments/mirrors concepts for our social graph/add-on built on top of this protocol!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

At Frenly we are making web3... frenly by allowing users to follow their frens on chain and communicate and have fun in a decentralized way.

Frenly is a dapp (and a protocol in the future) that allows users to follow their frens wallets, see a user-frenly feed with their frens on-chain activity, such as minting/sending/receiving NFTs, joining DAOs, creating / voting on proposals in DAO. Also, users can follow entire NFT collections and DAOs to always be on track.

In future iterations, we will allow users to chat wallet2wallet and create group chats based on specific token/NFT ownership.

For the MVP we are building a web app with a wallet following and on-chain activity feed.

How it's Made

We use React, Next.js on frontend, and Nest.js on backend. UseDapp is used to communicate with Ethereum and Polygon, while IPFS is used as storage for NFT posts. We used Lens API to interact with Lens Protocol and its data.

We believe that following as a wallet2wallet type of communication, is under-discovered in web3, while it might be described as protocol and may benefit the whole web3 community, and networks such as Polygon, adding this type of utility for NFTs and DAO tokens as a base layer for the future decentralized communication tools.

We used Lens.Protocol to create an NFT post to show it on our frontend as just content for regular users, but it may be available on any dapp using Lens.

During hacking, we discovered a problem that users can't (or at least we haven't figured out yet how to) decide which wallet's updates will be shown on his/her profile, so we came up with a small hack, that we initially offer all the posts as being "drafts" while taking them from blockchain and showing them on the frontend. So users can Post or Decline the "draft" post — if ``Posted, the NFT-post will be created using Lens Protocol, if not—we just don't show this transaction anymore on the frontend.

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