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FlashGPT utilizes OpenAI's GPT language model to efficiently generate secure and reliable Solidity smart contracts and deploys them to a wide range of Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions with just a few clicks.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🛠 Polygon — Best Developer or Community Tool


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Smart contract development and its deployment can be intimidating for many new entrants in the space. The goal of FlashGPT is therefore to make it easier to:

  1. Write a new smart contract that encapsulates a certain business logic. For this, FlashGPT leverages OpenAI's GPT language model to produce efficient, secure and reliable smart contracts.

  2. Once the contract is generated, FlashGPT allows developers to deploy the contract to a wide range Layer 1s and Layer 2s such as Arbitrum, Ethereum, Gnosis, Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM testnet, Optimism and Scroll alpha testnet.

Beyond the usage of Open AI’s GPT, another key highlight of the FlashGPT tool is that it natively integrates AltLayer’s rollup-as-a-service solution, which makes it possible to deploy the smart contract on an application-dedicated Layer 2 called flash layer that gets provisioned by AltLayer.

FlashGPT is suitable for developers as well as for those with little-to-no-coding experience. It allows developers to experiment, innovate and dive deeper into the world of decentralised application development while saving time, capital and developer resources.

How it's Made

The tool uses's OpenAI's GPT tool for code generation. The application is built using react-js and also integrates AltLayer's rollup-as-a-service solution to spin up application-dedicated flash layers.

Tools used:

  • OpenAI API
  • Create React App
  • Monaco
  • Rainbowkit
  • AltLayer flashlayer
  • AWS EC2

It works with a wide range of Layer 1s and Layer 2s such as Arbitrum, Ethereum, Gnosis, Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM testnet, Optimism and Scroll alpha testnet

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