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FILFlix is a platform where users can buy/subscribe to content (music, books, videos) directly from the content creators as NFTs


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

FILFlix users can buy content by buying content NFTs, or subscribing with Subscription NFTs. The fees directly goes to the creators. The users get notified when a new content is created and the subscribers can schedule calls with creators FILFlix creators can create new content NFTs that users can buy, on buying creators get paid directly. This helps the creators to not go through the 3rd parties and sell directly to users. Users get ownership of content with NFT access and content stored on IPFS/FIlecoin.

How it's Made

NextJS/Tailwind: for frontend

MongoDB/NodeJS: Backend

Filecoin Hyperspace Network: to deploy content NFTs (ERC1155), and subscription NFTs (ERC721)

Lighthouse SDK: For encryption and token-gated access of content by users/subscribers.

Spheron: For Deployment on Filecoin

Huddle01 SDK: For video calling with content creators

Push Protocol SDK: For sending notifications to users on creation of new content by the creators

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