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FilFi - free your Filecoin assets

Filfi is an open source liquidity agreement. With the help of FEVM, OpenZeppelin related contracts and upgrade components, a callable solution library of built-in miners and market API supported by Zondax, this protocol mainly implements lending services

FilFi - free your Filecoin assets

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

  • Building Filecoin nodes requires a lot of pledged coins, which has become one of the bottlenecks in the growth of Filecoin network. The built node itself has great value, including pledged currency and future income, which is an ideal collateral. FilFi protocol expects to release the liquidity of the node by collateralizing the digital assets of the node, which lowers the capital threshold for (small and medium-sized) storage providers to enter the market and increases the driving force for the development of Filecoin network.
  • The goal of the Filfi project is to create a permissionless liquidity market for the Filecoin community. All investors holding FIL can contribute liquidity, and all builders with nodes can gain the motivation to continue development by collateralizing node assets, helping small and medium-sized storage to enter the network, and promoting the expansion of Filecoin network and decentralization of power.

How it's Made

The project uses Metamask's browser-based wallet to link to the hyperspace network, which switches over when the wallaby network stabilizes. We use react at the front end and smart contract solidity language at the back end. Based on the solidity API provided by Zondax, the contract and Filecoin built-in contract are opened. The project is compiled and deployed by hardhat. Because the owner address of miner node needs to be switched during the test process, we set up lotus node for testing. The interest rate model of the project is implemented with reference to Compound. Our whole team is dedicated to Web3. Previously, we developed a Data Cold Storage( and Web3 Cloud Drive( based on Estuary, which are now online for users to use.

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