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File Genie

An interface for users to manage and share their files in a decentralised storage system and create and deploy NFTs and Collections easily.

File Genie

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

An interface for users to manage and share their files in a decentralised storage system and create and deploy NFTs and Collections easily. User can add and manage NFT files and contracts. Also we are working on the dynamic NFT section and a section where users can conviniently manage their NFTs.

How it's Made

Our team has utilized the FVM to deploy smart contracts, which allow us to store and manage data on a decentralized blockchain network. For file storage, we have employed IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to securely store and share data across the network. To build our user-facing application, we have utilized Vue 3, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, and Supabase, a mapping service that allows us to easily connect our front-end with the decentralized data stored on the blockchain. The result is a robust and secure decentralized file storage system that provides users with improved privacy, security, and control over their data.

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