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File Bridge

File Bridge is a set of smart contracts combined with a website to let people bridge their tokens and NFT from filecoin blockchain to any other!

File Bridge

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

File Bridge is a game-changing solution for the decentralized finance ecosystem. It provides seamless interoperability between blockchains, enabling users to effortlessly transfer tokens and swap between different assets with unparalleled ease.

Our cutting-edge technology leverages the full potential of the Filecoin Network to deliver unparalleled speed, security, and scalability, making it the go-to destination for all token transfers and swaps. With its intuitive user interface and seamless integration into the broader DeFi ecosystem, the Filecoin Network Bridge empowers users to take full control of their financial future, unlocking the full potential of decentralized finance. Join us as we strive to revolutionize the DeFi landscape and make Filecoin the hub of the decentralized finance world.

How it's Made

Our project was built utilizing the React framework, the Rainbowkit library, Wagmi, and Ethers to seamlessly connect the front-end to the underlying smart contracts. The smart contracts were designed to be proxy-compatible, ensuring maximum flexibility and compatibility with future developments. To facilitate seamless transaction monitoring, we developed a backend system that leverages the Chainstack node library to securely store the guardians' wallets and listen for bridge transactions. This robust architecture ensures that our project delivers the highest level of security and performance.

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