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Ficave is a decentralised medical documentation system,built on filecoin’s storage network. Ficave is the first medical ledger on the blockchain,which makes it easy to upload,send,receive,and acess medical data’s on chain .


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Ficave usecaseFicave usecase eliminates traditional file system in health organisation’s,Hospitals and clinics and makes data sharing more accessible and safe . Files stored on Ficave are immutable and can’t be accessed without user permission or password,confidential medical datas can also be stored in private folders. Ficave Dapp is free and easy to use,conveniently upload and share your medical files with your doctor or consultant. Files uploaded on Ficave can also be made open-source to serve as research material in the medical dataset,enabling on chain peer-to-peer medical database. Project features -Registration of patients -uploading Medical records or data -encrypting Records or data with user provided password -storing the encryption on chain -retrieving and decrypting medical records withh user provided password.

How it's Made

ficavee makes use of a smart contracts see contract MedArchive The main or home contract through which tracks all hospitals and their respective patients. It also records in encrypted format using the hospitals passwordthe medical data of all patints Backend Server/Api_Python Flask The Api or server, we created performs two functions, encrypt the ipfs cid returned after a file is uploaded and return the encryption which makes use of Fernet Encryption Methods and User defined password to store in our smart contract. code here and here Decrypt a list of Fernet hashed nd return the Cids of the decrypted hashes to render on our frontwnd see here See Backend Documentation here NFT.Storage/IPFS TWe used the npm packed to interact and upload files to ipfssee here Filecoin Hyperspace Chain The contract was deployed onthis chain Wagmi Kit The Wagmikit was used to handle our connect wallet functiion ad contract calls see [Contract here]: ( ents/upload/Upload.jsx#L92)

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