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Feedhook enables DApps, DAOs and other communities to get feedback/reviews via Attestations on-chain.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

While researching on web3 DApps we realised taking feedback about their DApp wasn't a common theme, and we wanted to change that via decentralised primitives. Hence feedhook. Where we plan to make it easier for devs to start taking feedback as attestations on their DApp. It mainly encompasses 3 things.

  1. Contract
  2. The Package
  3. The Registration Site Out of these three, the contract is live for devs to permissionless start using and to keep track on the progress for the other two, please have a look at and

How it's Made

The project consists of three components as seen in out Github Repo; contracts, package and site.

package is the npm package that a developer can install to use our widgets.

Site - Is our website built using nextjs and rainbow for a developer to register. A developer registers by creating attestation through our middleware contracts.

Lastly, contracts; our contracts are the most important bit of our project. We have used foundry to build and test them. We have three contracts AttestationStationMiddleware.sol, which acts a middlelayer between the OP’s AttestationStation and our AttestationVerifier and SchemaRegistry contracts.

AttestationVerifier is for verifying attestation made off-chain and possibly push them on chain.

SchemaRegistry is the contract for developers to build their custom schema’s and create there  own applications on top of it and AttestationStation.

All our contracts are completely agnostic to our project, feedhook and can be used by anyone. We see it as a our public good contribution to the community.

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