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Faucetation Station

FaucetationStation: A community-owned, bot-resistant faucet service for blockchain developers. Buidl without the drain! #Autonolas #Gnosis #IPFS

Faucetation Station

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🥈 Filecoin & IPFS — Best Use


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Faucetation Station is an community-owned autonomous agent service designed for cross chain faucet management.

Built on top of the #OLAS stack to demonstrate connectivity to multiple evms simultaneously.

It really grew from my own frustrations of finding it hard to transact at hackathons

Now I want to enable more devs to build faster.

Developers require easy access to test tokens and Maintnet!!!

If you hold olas on mainet, you can claim on any of these supported networks, and we will transfer enough to enough that you can do a couple of txs.

Community owned faucet by devs for devs.

A commitment of the team is that 1/2 of all funds from raised will given to the faucet in order to fuel further faster growth.

for various EVM-compatible blockchains to build and test their decentralized applications (dApps). However, existing faucet systems face a common challenge – they are often drained by automated bots, leaving developers without the resources they need. One needs to look no further for evidence of the persistence of the issue than yesterdays announcement in the Avalanche discord channel:

Faucetation Station is the solution to this challenge, enabling builders in the blockchain community to BUIDL

How it's Made

Autonolas Stack for Autonomous Agent Services: FaucetationStation's foundation rests on the Autonolas stack, meticulously tailored for crafting autonomous agent services. This technology stack enables the creation of community-owned services that automate the tedious with full transparancy, allowing any participant of the ecosystem permissionless access and the ability to participate as an operator of the service.

Finite State Machine Architecture: The agent service within FaucetationStation is defined as a finite state machine. In each state, the agents enact an associated behavior. State transitions, crucial for service coordination, are managed by off-chain consensus among the agents, using the Tendermint protocol. This ensures the reliability and trustworthiness of the service's operation and provides additional fault tolerance to any off-chain computation.

Operating Agents with Gnosis Safe: Our agents work in tandem by collectively managing a Gnosis Safe, ensuring secure and transparent resource allocation, all while safeguarding against bot-driven exploits.

On-Chain Service Definition: At the core of FaucetationStation lies an on-chain service definition. This framework serves as the architectural backbone, orchestrating the various facets of the service seamlessly on the blockchain.

NFT-Based Service Components: FaucetationStation adopts a novel approach by representing its service components and the service itself as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each NFT encapsulates a distinct aspect of the service, backed by IPFS hashes. This design ensures transparency and permissionless access, allowing anyone to retrieve the underlying code effortlessly.

IPFS Integration: The use of IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to store critical service information and code is a notable achievement. IPFS provides a distributed and decentralized method for hosting and accessing data, making FaucetationStation's code retrieval process transparent, efficient, and resistant to censorship.

Integration of Proof of Humanity (PoH): FaucetationStation places a paramount focus on mitigating the issue of automated bot-driven faucet drainage. Proof of Humanity (PoH) serves as a robust shield against the relentless influx of bots that frequently drain testnet faucets. This mechanism ensures that the faucet resources are allocated exclusively to genuine developers who are actively contributing to the blockchain ecosystem. We use Sismo Connect to create a Zk Badge to verify that user is a part of a whitelisted group and a human.

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