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EVM Send

Deploy your bytecode contract to any EVM compatible chain, safely and instantly!

EVM Send

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project helps EVM bytecode-level optimizers to deploy their code to any EVM compatible chain. It first checks the deployment bytecode if it is valid or not using a custom Node.js EVM implementation, and also computes and adds one if required. Then, the deployable bytecode is published as a smart contract on the EVM chain.

How it's Made

This project uses ethers.js for deploying the bytecode and Node.js for the execution environment. It also has a custom EVM for checking the integrity of the deployment code. It uses NPX for ease of use from any machine, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. It allows easy deployment for any hyper-optimized bytecode, which is required for participating in on-chain optimization challenges.

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