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Use zkp to watch ads that suit your taste without revealing your personal information. Advertisers can pay tokens and post targeted ads.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Unchain is a Web3 based dApp that can targeted advertising using zkp. Advertisers can pay tokens and post targeted ads. Advertisers should set advertising categories and store them in IPFS with advertising photos or videos. When a user selects an interest, zk-snark is used to show ads that fit user's interest. Users can receive rewards by watching advertisements. At this time, rewards come from tokens paid by advertisers. We're going to return most of the advertising money to the user. Users can receive compensation at the same time as concerns over personal information leakage disappear. Advertisers do not need to advertise to an unspecified number of people. This is possible because of zkp.

How it's Made

You can only watch advertisements in categories of interest without directly revealing the user's personal tastes to advertisers. This verifies the user's personal tastes through weights for each category using circom, and advertisers can implement marketing strategies aimed at a specific customer base. Here, the advantage of zkp is that users can only see advertisements they need without revealing personal taste information to advertisers. The advertisement of the user verified through smart contract is determined and the advertisement posted on ipfs is viewed. After that, the ERC20 token is paid as compensation for the advertisement.

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