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EthEveryday - NFT collection for ETH maxis. Deployed on Scroll & Goerli Testnet


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

ETH Everyday is a NFT collection for those who love Ethereum ecosystem. New NFT with daily ETH/USD quote can be minted everyday. People can represent their love for ETH by minting our NFT, just like buying unisocks to celebrate the first decentralized AMM. The mint price is inspired by EIP-1559, so if the demand rises the mint price increases.

How it's Made

I used foundry to develop smart contracts and deploy them to Scroll testnet and Ethereum Goerli testnet to see if it really works. The images for NFT are hosted by Cloudflare R2, and API server is simply written in go. We deployed NFT smart contracts to Ethereum Goerli Testnet and Scroll Alpha Testnet. Both works like a charm.

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