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EtherRace is a racing game built on the Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts. The game is designed to teach players about different Ethereum concepts, such as gas fees, block confirmations, and decentralized applications.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Players must send a transaction to the smart contract, which will update the position of the vehicle on the racetrack based on a random number. However, each transaction requires a certain amount of gas, and players must manage their gas usage carefully to avoid running out of funds.

Players can also use power-ups to gain an advantage over their opponents, such as a boost to speed or a temporary invincibility. These power-ups are stored in a smart contract and can be purchased using Ether.

How it's Made

EtherRace is a decentralized racing game built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows players to participate in the racing game using their Ether wallets. The game was developed using Solidity, a programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The project was built using the Truffle framework, which provides a development environment for Ethereum-based applications and includes tools for testing, deploying, and interacting with smart contracts.

The smart contract for EtherRace includes various functions to enable gameplay, including functions to create a new game, move a vehicle, purchase power ups etc.

This game is not fully developed yet. Future works include building a front end and improving the game logic.

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