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All-in one NFT in real life platform, where you can discover and connect with your fellow NFT enthusiasts through location-based services and seamlessly create redeemable NFT for events.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Although the blockchain technology has led to the multiple creation of DApp, DeFi, and NFTs, the bridging toward real-world use case is still limited. Nevertheless, the bonding and connectivity within the Web 3.0 communities is one of the key success factor that will lead to the mass adoption of the technology of Web 3.0. With this value and belief, our team is here to create difference.

Introducing Ethernal, all-in one NFT in real life platform

Ethernal utilizes the location-based service and NFTs technology to allow seamless connectivity between the Web 3.0 communities in real life, while boosting their experience beyond traditional meets up and events.

Our product consists of two main modules: Exploration module and NFT voucher modules.

Our exploration modules allows the users to discover other nearby users, identify their NFT holdings, and connect with them seamlessly. Beyond location based service, our product also provides chatting modules, making connecting with your fellow Web 3.0 enthusiasts easier than before.

Our NFT voucher modules is a permissionless NFT launchpad, where each user can create ERC-1155 NFT Vouchers to distribute to their respective communities. With the availability of token-gated feature, This module is perfect to reward their holders with complimentary and ecstatic experience for real-life meet up for NFT and DAOs communities.

You can follow our journey at:

How it's Made

Smart Contract: We use Solidity version 0.8.15 for creating factory and voucher smart contract by using Hardhat as a development tools and use Openzeppelin for ERC1155-based contract.

Metadata-Image: We use fleek as a IPFS hosting platform for metadata and Image in voucher contract

API: We use express.js for API framework and ethers.js for connect API with the blockchain The API is used to mint NFT voucher and redeem voucher feature, in which the parameters are received from the frontend.

Frontend: We used next.js typescript to create the front, which consists of multiple library. The main library we used is the GEOlocation, which detect the longitude and latitude of the user and store in our database (MongoDB). As user enters the explore menu, the system will search for any other nearby user by referencing it from the set up reference point. The website is being decorated, using the library Chakra-UI.

Backend: We have used Express.js and to create the real time detection for people who are nearby and chatting feature for our explore module.

Subgraph: We use the graph hosted service for serve data that user interacts with contract in the Ethernal website

For the sponsor technologies, we have used the following:

@Polygon : Our product is using Polygon as our main chain to deploy our NFT Voucher Minting Contract and Contract Factory. For this hackathon, our contracts are deployed on Mumbai Testnet

@IPFS & Filecoin : We are using IPFS to host and publish the NFT Voucher metadata that the users created on our platform, preserving decentralized aspect and the quality of metadata storage.

@The Graph We are using The Graph (hosted service) to host and display the availability and on-chain data of the NFT voucher that each user can claim, where we use to query and identify the deployed contract and token-gated address of the NFT voucher that requires NFT holding.

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