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Capital-Efficient Decentralized Exchange providing seamless cross-chain asset transfers


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🥈 Mantle — Best Use


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Eta presents an advanced, decentralized exchange platform that supplies liquidity, offers an automated yield-generating stablecoin, and facilitates peer-to-peer transactions. Users can engage in direct trading from their digital wallets, circumventing the need for third-party intermediaries, thereby ensuring complete token custody and unwavering ownership.

Moreover, the combination of minimal trading fees and abundant liquidity renders Eta an appealing platform for trading purposes, while concurrently extending wide-ranging support to various aspects of the community. This enables continual adaptation to dynamic market conditions and ongoing value provision to token holders and the community at large.

Eta boasts the following sophisticated features:

  1. High-efficiency token swapping (an optimized Uniswap fork, designed for enhanced gas efficiency)
  2. A capital-efficient lending and borrowing protocol
  3. Automated yield-generating stablecoin (etaUSD)
  4. Secure cross-chain bridge for seamless asset transfers

Eta currently supports the following networks:

  1. Gnosis Chain (Chiado Testnet)
  2. Scroll Alpha Testnet
  3. Mantle Testnet
  4. Polygon zkEVM

How it's Made

Please refer to the GitHub repo for a deep dive into what makes Eta's technical architecture so unique, including:

  1. Network-specific advantages
  2. Lending/Borrowing Vaults (which are massive and worth reading imo)

We initially began this project with another teammate, but he quit due to personal reasons. As a one-man team, I'm proud of how much I was able to build. The entire Eta protocol is massive (several thousand lines of code), so this is one of my personal achievements ;)

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