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Paid or Free Webinars based on Livepeer streams and Textile threads. Access is managed by Unlock protocol


Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

Ency is an app that allows creating multiple free or paid webinars thanks to Livepeer and Unlock integrations.

Thanks to Ency, you'll be able to host your webinars without depending on external hosting and paying for each user.

I'm working on an Open-Source LMS with microlearning So I've decided to try to make webinars with Livepeer.

How it's Made

This project uses textile/hub, textile/threads, Livepeer, and integrates with Unlock Protocol.

UI is done with React. API is made with fastify and SQLite (unfortunately not finished).

Each webinar has its own Textile thread with which users can join, ask questions and the owner can give answers. All discussions are stored in IPFS.

Unfortunately, Textile Threads stopped working (maybe I overloaded their API 🌚).

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