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EcoVote is a decentralized voting platform to gather public consensus worldwide to fight against climate change issues.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🧑‍⚖️ Worldcoin — Best Governance App


🔟 FVM — Built on Filecoin

Project Description

EcoVote is a blockchain-based voting platform that provides a transparent and reliable solution for addressing climate change issues. By leveraging the unique proof of humanity on WorldCoin, EcoVote can offer an anonymous and efficient voting system for humanity that ensures fair and accurate results. It enables users to impact the fight against climate change directly and helps promote greater engagement and awareness around critical environmental issues.

EcoVote has several advantages:

  • Accessibility, anyone could participate.
  • Anonymouse, user only proof they are human.
  • Transparency, blockchain-based platform gave us confidence that votes were being counted accurately.
  • Public awareness, governments take more action on climate change and businesses began to shift towards more sustainable practices.

How it's Made

We created a dApps in NextJS, connected to a polygon smart contract with EtherJS. Worldcoin is used (in production) to retrieve the World_ID or proof of humanity of the user. The users vote on the dApp, and their vote is recorded on the polygon blockchain. Worldcoin World_ID ensures that each person only votes once, and the voting system cannot be manipulated.

Tech we used:

  • Worldcoin for unique proof of humanity ID
  • Polygon for smart contract
  • Solidity 0.8 for smart contracts
  • NextJS in typescript with tailwinds for the UI
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