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Easy NFT

NFTs multi-chain marketplace and descentralized social platform focused on Latin American creators..

Easy NFT

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Easy NFT is a marketplace incorporating a decentralized social network focused on Latin American creators. This will allow creators to choose between Ethereum or Polygon to create their NFTs. Also, by having a social network, they will be able to share their collection with the community and bring their followers from web2 networks (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) to web3. ot only will the community be able to purchase the NFTs, but they will also be able to like, repost, and comment on the NFTs, as well as share them on their web2 social networks.

How it's Made

Polygon: The deployment of the smart contract would be done in Polygon and so that the artists have a mint without gas commissions.

Lens Protocol: Users will be able to login with Lens and have the option to Collect publications and with this monetize them. At the same time, creators will be able to bring their followers on web2 networks (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc) to web3.

IPFS/Filecoin: The distribution and storage will be done with IPFS and Filecoin

ENS: Users who have .eth domains will be able to add it to their profile and with this facilitate the sending of Ethereum between them from the platform.

EPNS: Users will be able to receive notifications with EPNS about new releases or posts from your favorite artists and projects.

NFTPort: We will use NFTPort for the Infrastructure and consume its API to be multi-chain and NFT minted.

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