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Easiest way to create an ICO for your DApp's and many more!!


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

There are many new blockchain startups through out the world, all of them have a same goal i.e. to became a tech giant and provide there services to many. So we bring EasiICO for them .It is a platform where startups can come and host there ICO's without investing any new money and huge time to develop there ICO's platform. Currently in this version of EasiICO consumer can only host there ICO but in future we will add new features to further ease the process with new features to engage with. Whole ICO in 6-7 steps

How it's Made

First challenge was lack of team support, initially we were the team of 3 but due to some emergency, two of my teammate were not able to contribute in this event. Second was working with frontend part, as being a backend developer i had less experience in frontend part but i tried. Third hurdle was web3.js, i wanted to use web3.js but it was getting some version control and dint had the time to rectify all the error so i learned ether.js a bit and tried to apply in the web application.

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