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earth3 makes web3 simple through an all-in-one dapp for web2 users.


Created At


Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize


✨ Streamr — Best Use

Project Description

earth3 seeks to reduce the friction that most web2 users encounter when migrating to web3. Our goal is to create the simplest and most visually appealing platform that makes it very easy for web2 users to learn and discover web3.

earth3 is partnering with most of the industry’s top technologies to always have the latest services available. For a new users, the most common problems they face when starting out are the following:

  • Web3 terms & features can be confusing
  • Need to trust & access several apps
  • UX is not very friendly
  • Unclear web3 use cases

To solve this, earth3 offers an all-in-one web platform where new web3 users can access the essential services of web3. Some of the services earth3 offers can be divided into the next categories:

Discover the decentralized economy: invest, swap and stake with crypto assets. Easy portfolio management: track your crypto and tokens. Social crypto: chat with friends and groups. Decentralized drive: easily store, edit & encrypt files.

earth3 also has a special functionality that differs from most web3 applications which is zero knowledge staking with the use of Aztec and ApWine, leveraging the staking balance and obtaining incredible yields.

How it's Made

earth3 is made by integrating the industry’s top technologies in a single web3 app. Some of our partners include networks (Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism), web3 data services (nodes like Pocket), financial services (Apwine), zk staking (Aztec), identity verification (WorldCoin and web3auth), decentralized storage (IPFS) and social protocols (Streamr network).

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