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We combined blockchain technology with delivery platforms to save on delivery fees and support various cryptocurrencies. Users can conveniently access our service through social login and automatic payment. #blockchain #deliveryapp #cryptocurrency


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our project combines the convenience of traditional delivery platforms with the advantages of blockchain technology to provide users with a new experience.

Through the Safe AA SDK, users can easily log in using their social network accounts. We also offer a gas subsidy feature, so users do not have to worry about the complex fee structure of the blockchain network.

By leveraging Chainlink's Automation and Functions features, we support automatic payments on various networks besides the Polygon chain. This allows users to make payments with various cryptocurrencies without the complexity of blockchain.

Our notification service using the Push Protocol informs users of each step from order to delivery completion in real time.

Reviews and other important data are permanently stored on IPFS, reducing the risk of review manipulation and providing transparency of information.

Through these features, we aim to provide users with a more convenient and reliable service.

How it's Made

When users log into the delivery platform, they can easily access it through their social network accounts, utilizing the @Safe AA SDK to provide a blockchain EOA login method and gas prepayment feature. This enables users to access the platform effortlessly without the complicated blockchain process.

In addition, users can create orders and make payments with a variety of cryptocurrencies. We built a system where the order cost is automatically paid when users store cryptocurrencies in their @Safe Wallets. All these processes are conducted on the @Polygon mainnet.

However, since not all users use Polygon, we offer a bridge feature for users with assets on different chains (@Mantle, @Scroll, @Filecoin). Moreover, we deploy an AbstractedWallet for each user, and when money is stored here, payment is automatically processed. This process is automated using @ChainLink's Automation and Functions features to catch pending orders and send money from the user's AbstractedWallet to the Polygon chain contract.

Users can receive notifications for all the transaction processes that have occurred, through the @Push Protocol.

Lastly, once the payment is completed, users can leave comments which will be converted into NFTs. This prevents comment manipulation, and these NFTs can later be used as coupons at the owner's discretion. The NFTs can be viewed on OpenSea, and the images and metadata are stored on @Filecoin's IPFS, allowing the reviews to be recorded on the blockchain to prevent review manipulation.

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