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Dhorado is a gamified IRL web3 project that will onboard the next billion users while bootstrapping a decentralized mapping system.


Created At


Winner of


🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Dhorado is an IRL treasure hunt! Sign up with your Lens profile, find treasures (QR code) all around the globe, and earn rewards for doing so! You're going to need some hints, but the hardest hunts deserve the most treasure! See how you rank against your friends on your treasure hunt!

Furthermore, Dhorado's innovative tokenomics solves a real problem in geolocation services. Today, providers like Google Maps are centralized, making their users the product. Instead, Dhorado will create a grass-roots, decentralized map by incentivizing users to add new treasures on the map.

Web3 promises a decentralized future of freedom for the world's citizens. The ancient myth of El Dorado is supplanted by the new promised land: web3. Dhorado will help bring the next billion users into the blockchain.

There is a story about El Dorado, a mystical city that was made of gold here in Colombia.

Dhorado is a tribute that brings it to life through the Blockchain. The user travels back in time to search for this treasure.

Through Lens Protocol the user can access certain coordinates, once found, they must search and scan a QR code to obtain the treasure.

Dhorado aims to captivate new users through a gamified experience and storytelling and also creates a IRL user journey, based in the awareness of the present. This could be the beginning to bringing geolocation data to the Blockchain.

How it's Made

IPFS - store treasure and challenge information Lens Protocol - finding treasures creates a user publication; users can view leaderboards with their friends Polygon - with Polygon, we are able to create a low-cost, accessible experience. ENS / Fleek - decentralized hosting WalletConnect - to connect user wallets in a seamless manner

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