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DHD - Data Healthcare DAO

We are a Data Healthcare DAO, decentralized platform for securely and transparently managing health data using blockchain technology. It empowers individuals to control and monetize their data while advancing medical research and patient care.

DHD - Data Healthcare DAO

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

DHD, Data Healthcare DAO, is a decentralized platform for securely and transparently managing health data using blockchain technology, specifically deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM). It is designed to empower individuals to have control and ownership over their personal health data, while also providing healthcare professionals and researchers access to valuable data for improving patient care and advancing medical research. The platform's deployment on the Filecoin FVM provides an extra layer of security and reliability, as it leverages the decentralized storage capabilities of the Filecoin network. On DHD, users can: Store and manage your health data: You can securely store and manage your health data, such as your heart rate, heart rhythm, blood oxygenation levels, and other vital health metrics, on the platform. You have control and ownership over your data, and can choose to share it with healthcare professionals or researchers if you choose to. Access your health data: Trough the interface on the platform, you can view your data over time, track changes in your health metrics, and monitor your overall health status. Share your data with healthcare professionals: You can choose to share your health data with healthcare professionals, such as doctors or specialists, in order to improve your care and treatment. The data is stored securely on the platform, and only authorized professionals with your permission can access it through the smart contracts that allow it. Monetize your health data: This feature allows you to receive compensation for sharing your data, which can be valuable for medical research initiatives and studies; With this feature, research teams can browse available health data, select the data they require, and purchase it from the platform. The data is securely stored on the platform and is only accessible to authorized researchers with your permission. Benefit from secure data storage: Your health data is stored on a decentralized and secure platform, providing an extra layer of protection against tampering or unauthorized access. The platform also provides reliability, as it leverages the decentralized storage capabilities of the Filecoin network. Another of the key components of the Data Healthcare DAO is the use of a cardiac measurement electronic health record (EHR) Internet of Things (IoT) device and blood oxygenation measurement device for collecting vital health data. The cardiac measurement EHR IoT device can record information such as heart rate, heart rhythm, and other key metrics, and securely integrate it into a patient's electronic health record. The blood oxygenation measurement device can measure the amount of oxygen in the blood. These devices are integrated into a wearable device, making it easy for individuals to regularly collect and track their health data.

How it's Made

This project used different technologies to build a solution:

  1. Lighthouse: to storage and manage data off-chain from EHR-IoT Devices and storage encrypted data 2.Figma and Adobe IIlustrator: to build the Frontend with the use of AI tools for the construction of some images 3.IPFS/Filecoin: it comes with the Lighthouse storage 4.React: Development of the frontend 5.Python: Used in the data management layer for indexing and storage in Lighthouse; used in alarm generation analytics; the backend is developed with the FastAPI framework for a better user experience on the front
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