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A decentralized ride share service increasing value for both rider and driver, cutting down the middle-man from the equation!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This is a truly decentralized ride share service, striving for fairness and transparency. As all on-chain data is public, a lot of effort was put on not providing enough information to track people nor their habits (like knowing an individual leaves their house around 9am every day to go to work and gets back home at 7pm). A really complex problem as well is defining the ride price in a decentralized trustless way. This was achieved by calculating a route from the origin to the destination using a Cartesi Rollup, having an open-source routing engine (OSRM) execute inside the Cartesi Machine for deterministic, reproducible, decentralized routing. We also used ZKP to make it possible to update people' s reputation without disclosing their travels. We also intend on adding a zkp based (not enough time) payment system to further enhance privacy.

How it's Made

The front end client is developed in Dart, mobile-first. Uses leaflet for map, web3dart to interface with the blockchain. The backend logic is written mostly in Python and runs inside the Cartesi Machine, on a Cartesi Rollup in a decentralized fashion. The routes are calculated using a well known open-source routing engine in C++ called OSRM, which is running inside the Cartesi Machine as well so routes are calculated in a deterministic, verifiable and trustless fashion. The reputation system is based on increasing/decreasing score using ZKP verified with Aztec´' s Noir, preserving the privacy of users' travels.

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