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Bridge of web2 API data like Square, Shopify, etc. to on-chain.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

DAOs are commonly involved with the off-chain world especially IRL, for example, Krause House and LinksDAO, etc.

A particular problem when DAOs operate this way can be the visualization of in real life activities, which does not yet exist on-chain. It is crucial for transparent communication among its community members. To reinforce this, we used Livepeer to broadcast a continuous livestream of our DAO's interior facility in hopes to enhance the community's native experience and organic engagement. For this demo, we used a physical store under the assumption that the DAO runs this retail store but the concept certainly isn't limited to physical stores and could essentially be in any environment such as a conference hall or even a golf club etc.

We believe that on-chain data should be visible in a NFT / token-gated way for exclusive members to access, so we write the off-chain data (web2 - IRL data) aggregated with Chainlink, that includes APIs for smart cameras, credit cares, etc.

Soon after, we have a huge motivation to make this mobile native application so that any community members can interact with its community with a rich experience of their IRL place at the same time of seeing its off-chain activities of DAO.

How it's Made

The technical architecture is described below. ! (Servise Architecture Diagram)[]

The tech design is such that various types of data are encryptoed and only users who claim NFT on the client side can descrypt and check private data, and the actual live streaming implementation has been completed. As a backend, a Chainlink node is set up to fetch web2API data from the client and convert it to on-chain data by formatting the data.

DeStream is built with:

Polygon - DeSteam lives on Polygon. IPFS - Several cases.NFT(ERC721),Live NFT, web2 integration public data. LivePeer - Used with LiveScreen at the NFT gateway. QuickNode - Our product connect with QuickNode.

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