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A interactive playground for artists to experience quick NFT minting


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Project Description

DePic is interactive playground for artists to experience quick NFT minting This project aims to make custom NFT minting accesible - from creation to minting for people of all experience levels.

Zora editions already make the the process of minting accessible for all, so we thought to pair that with a creation tool. Inspired by child friendly programs like early Kid Pix we made an interface to facilitate this.

Users can create their artwork and once they are ready to mint are met by a popup which shows their creation, with the ability to add a description. Titles are randomly generated hash, rather than custom with the aim of bringing a sense of unity and community between all DePic creations beyond their aesthetic.

Once minted, users can view their creation in their wallet, on Zora marketplace or with other users creations on the DePic gallery.

How it's Made

Given the time constraint, the main components of the project is really slapping the design onto the webpage for now through Dreamweaver and Figma.

For the interactive web components, it was built through nextjs, zora edition contracts, and for saving the media blobs. The components on the webpage was not quite working yet, but per current functionality based on the implementation, the connect wallet button was functioning thanks to, and we are still experimenting with the mint button modal based on the fade out design. The plan was we will sort out the drawing functionality as well.

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