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Defund creates a borderless, community-driven financial ecosystem. A seeker can list their project and can ask for funding from the investors. A voting system is there for checking the legitimacy of the funding.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Funding in traditional crowdfunding apps lack trust due to an inadequate consensus mechanism. Because the investor is the only one who is checking the legitimacy of the project funded.

Defund is a pioneering public investment platform, combining zero knowledge proof and voting system to verify the projects. Our system is easy to integrate and enhances the safety of user interactions with dApps, without adding undue complexity to the user experience.

The flow of using DeFund is different for seeker and investor. Both have to register and generate their zk-proof by sismo. Seeker has to then add his project and mention the Apecoin DAO token amount that he is demanding. Investor can search for the project and fund a percent of the total amount demanded by the seeker. Investor can put a poll on his funded project asking other investors on the platform whether to continue funding the project or not. If he decided to continue funding , he can make another transaction funding the project with another percent of the amount demanded.

How it's Made

DeFund leverages Sismo to verify the credentials of the user. When the users login to the app, his wallet is connected to MetaMask automatically with the same account address that he verified with Sismo.

When a seeker adds a project, asking for funding for his project in ApeCoin, an event is emitted which is listened by our web app. We leverage The Graph to show the added projects on the home page of the app.

When an investor funds a project with a percentage of the ApeCoin demanded , the funded projects are shown on the UI which is again leveraged by The Graph. The same process is repeated when an investor funds an already funded project after the consensus(votes of other investors) gives a positive response

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