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DeFi Wage is a platform that enables companies/organisations make swift salary payments and enables their employees take loans


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

DeFi-Wage is a decentralized payroll system that runs on ZK Scroll Sepolia, a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, offering an innovative solution to streamline salary management for businesses and organisations. It is designed to be more efficient, secure, and cost-effective than traditional payroll systems. Using the power of Ethereum and ZK Rollups, DeFi-Wage is designed to enhance throughput, reduce costs, and provide a faster and more secure way to manage employee salaries.

How it's Made

DeFi Wage was meticulously crafted using a powerful tech stack. The frontend, built with Next.js and enhanced with the sleek aesthetics of Tailwind CSS, delivers a seamless and user-friendly experience. Solidity, forms the backbone of the backend, ensuring the reliability of critical financial operations. The deployment on the Zk Scroll rollup, specifically the Scroll Sepolia testnet, guarantees fast and cost-effective transactions, making DeFi Wage an efficient solution for both businesses and workers. To facilitate the blockchain interactions, the platform employs Rainbowkit as the web3 wallet and provider, simplifying the integration of blockchain technology for users. Additionally, IPFS, the distributed file system, is used to securely store on-chain data, enhancing transparency and data accessibility within the platform. Altogether, 'DeFi Wage' is a culmination of cutting-edge technologies, offering a groundbreaking solution to the payroll and loan management space.

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