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DeData is a web3 analytics service that tracks, and reports data from the open web to help segment the quality of your audiences, prepare audience portraits, and understand where token/NFT holders, DAO members, and liquidity providers coming from.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Project Description

There is a huge lack of analytics in Web3 marketing. For example, you're going to run a marketing campaign with a 50k budget, including Mirror, Galxe, Zealy(prew.Crew3), Lens, and other SocialFi platforms, and your goal is to attract TVL/Users/Liquidity. You did it successfully. But the problem is that you will run the same campaign without optimizing your budget and any analytics the next time. With us you will have a chance to analyze from where exactly you received traffic, and moreover, the quality of this traffic and optimize your budget. You will be able to segment your target audiences and draw a perfect portrait of your client which is based on their:

  1. Wallets;
  2. Transaction History;
  3. Interactions with specific protocols (like lendings, bridging, cedefi, etc);
  4. Trading history;
  5. Any specific DAOs that they joined;
  6. Any liquidity providing?;
  7. How deep involved in any ecosystem;
  8. What specifically do they do in the ecosystem;
  9. Gas profile;
  10. See their portfolio including manual token/nft tracking, and how they are active with your protocol(how many transactions they do, why do they leave to your competitors). Also, you will be able to calculate the retention rate in a next way: you run a campaign on Layer3 and set a task to provide liquidity to your pool. Then you can see on a dashboard how many users did it just to be rewarded on Layer3 (did an action 1 time) or come back and use your product (more than 2/3/5/10 times). Also, we will bridge the gap between Web2 marketing and Web3 marketing in the next way: There is a huge lack of media buying in Web3 for now. For example, in case you have any specific pools you can't track your traffic from Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter because as a rule, you lost your customers when they connect their wallets. We are going to connect Google Analytics with DeData and you will be able to have targeted leads from FB/Instagram/Twitter(web2 social platforms) and have a chance to track their way and quality from UTM link to providing liquidity. It opens a gate for new traffic sources in Web3 and media buyers and affiliates from the web2 world. With the help of our solution, they will be able to calculate CPC/CPA as easily as in traditional finance.

How it's Made

After a customer adds a smart contract address we start listening to new events on this contract. As soon as we determine a new user of the contract we request a history of the wallet via Moralis. This was a tricky part, as it's not easy to export such a volume of data directly from a blockchain. We store this data in the database locally and use it to build the analytics reports.

Polygon and Ethereum as the networks to collect the analytics from; server: Node.js; client: Vue.js; MongoDB as the data storage; The Express framework.

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