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Decentralized Development Protocol

DDP is made to give developers the freedom to work on activities and projects they are passionate about. The trust in the system is shared across all actors, which minimizes the possibility of poor quality of work.

Decentralized Development Protocol

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

DDP is made to give developers the freedom to work on activities and projects they are passionate about. The trust in the system is shared across all actors, which minimizes the possibility of poor quality of work.


The freelance market today has too many blockers for a beginner to start! Performing well on one platform does not mean you will get clients on another. You will have to start from the beginning, and of course, the platform will take a heavy cut of the pay. What if we had a standard protocol that all freelancer websites could follow, as well as product teams and open source communities?

Target Users

  • Opens source Projects
  • Developers, QEs, Product owners, freelancers

Major Concepts

  • Profile
    • User will create profiles which can be used across any platform on top of DDP. User also will be able to update the profile.
  • Project
    • Project is a group of tasks. Open source projects or product teams can create projects to easily organize their work.
  • Task
    • Task is where the actual work happens. It contains the work developer, reviewers and QE need to work on.
  • Staking
    • Only via staking users are allowed to submit create or submit tasks.
  • Reward
    • Rewards are what users get for the work they submit and being good actors in the system. This will be done via reward modules.
  • Reputation
    • Gained through acting good in the system

The protocol will be built in modular base. This will help us continuous build new features to the protocol.

How it's Made

We have used solidity for the smart contracts and React for the frond end. Because the subscriber function did not work, we built our own event indexer which listens to events from this contract and saves it in mongodb. From there we used graphql to query data from the db to our application.

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