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Deca-Org is the one-stop destination to take your organisation's day-to-day operations to Filecoin with provable data storage, Cross-Chain bridge, SBT issuance, Video conferencing, live streaming, and much more. Deca-Org is powered by F(E)VM and made for the Filecoin ecosystem.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Storage providers and utility protocols are critical components of the filecoin ecosystem because they provide a variety of critical services to filecoin users. Storage providers are currently viewed as individual, single-person entities providing provable storage services via the filecoin market place in the current filecoin ecosystem. It does not take into account the possibility of multiple storage providers providing storage as a service as a single entity. Apart from this, in filecoin, there are no utility protocols built directly on filecoin that provide some service and provable storage on the filecoin chain. This limits filecoin's potential and makes it difficult for teams to transition to filecoin and work to their full potential. Deca-Org, which is built on top of F(E)VM is one stop solution, to these problems and provides extensive features. Deca-Org gives a complete infrastructure for organisations/ DOAs/ groups of storage providers to completely shift their day to day operations to the Hyperspace testnet.

  1. At Deca-Org, users can create their own soul-bound token(SBT) gated organisations. From the organisation’s page, the corresponding admins can invite new members by minting them invitation SBTs.
  2. Whenever a file is stored or a SBT is minted, a mock deal is created on filecoin to show implementation of provable storage.
  3. Deca-Org allows its users to use the inbuilt cross chain bridge to transfer “DORG“ tokens from hyperspace testnet to Polygon mumbai testnet and vice versa.
  4. We provide our own video conferencing and live streaming for connected organisations and their teams.
  5. Video conferences include some amazing features like meeting transcript generation, storage of meeting recordings on IPFS, group and solo chats, etc.
  6. Admins can also create SBT gated channels inside the orgs with specific goals and allows channel members to share files, chat across the team, and have channel specific video conferences and live streams.
  7. We even allow file encryption/decryption, along with storage, sharing, uploading, downloading, and minting of video assets(NFT’s) and live streams. Deca-Org is currently deployed on Spheron.

The future of Deca-Org includes:
Support of selling organisation data and files though filecoin marketplace. Dynamic creation of custom ERC 20 tokens specific to the organisations, and corresponding cross-chain bridge. Implementation of proposal voting and Improvement in UI/UX of Deca-Orgs NFT avatars representing member personalities will be added.

How it's Made

Deca-Org is a NEXTjs web app that is made using tailwind css and deployed using Spheron. It uses 9 solidity smart contracts and filecoin built in actors to provide features like creation of organisations, creation of channels, SBT gated access to organisations and channels, adding members to channels etc. Other than these main features of Deca - Org are cross chain bridge which supports transfer of “DORG” tokens from hyperspace testnet to Polygon mumbai testnet and miting of Soul Bound Tokens with provable storage using Filecoin Market API. All of these features are built on top of F(E)VM and Hyperspace testnet. Implementation of cross chain bridge includes deployment of ERC 20 token smart contracts on hyperspace testnet and Polygon mumbai testnet. This is then followed by deploying bridge smart contracts on both the testnets to automate the process of burning of tokens from one testnet and minting of tokens on another testnet. These bridge smart contracts are necessary to allow users other than ERC 20 token deployers (in this case Deca-Org) to do cross chain transactions. General flow of cross chain transactions is taking an amount to be transferred as input(for eg transferring 10 DORGs from hyperspace to mumbai testnet). Then the bridge smart contract on hyperspace emits an event to burn the 10 DORGs on hyperspace. This is then followed by automatically changing the network of the metamask wallet using predefined methods and then using the bridge smart contract on matic mumbai testnet to emit an event to mint 10 DORGs on mumbai testnet. Implementation of provable storage is done by creating mock deals through filecoin market api. For example whenever a SBT is to be minted first the metadata of the SBT is stored on IPFS using NFT.STORAGE this is then followed by creating a mock deal and injecting the test faucets into filecoin market API. Once the API call is successful sbt minting takes place using the deployed ERC721 smart contract. A similar process is followed when files are to be stored using deca-org. These are the highlighting features that are built on top of F(E)VM. Other than these we have used other sponsor’s SDKs and APIs to implement features like video conferencing, live streaming, encryption/decryption and personal chats.

Huddle01 client:- Deca-Org’s video conferencing feature has been built on top of Huddle01 infrastructure and its client SDKs. Huddle01's client SDK brilliantly manages the states and the WebRTC protocols. Using the hooks, callbacks, and states provided by huddle, we were able to fetch the ‘live’ details of users present in the meeting. We have mapped every organization and its teams with unique links to avoid clashes. By combining the a NodeJs-ExpressJs server, MongoDB database, and Huddle01, we were able to develop various features like real-time chat rooms, meeting room lobby, etc. Meetings at Deca-Org provide the unique feature of generating a meeting transcript and downloading it as a PDF, or copying it to the clipboard. Along with the basic features like toggling the camera and microphone, users can record the screen, and share the screen as well. Meeting recordings are available for downloading in. mp4 format and are also stored on IPFS. Deca-Org supports both direct messages to individual meeting participants and group conversations within meetings. Often, participants get bored during long meeting sessions. To address this issue, we have provided users with 5 alternative themes that they can switch during the meeting.


Some of the important functionality for any Organisation are: Seamless Live Streaming, secure sharing of video assets and minting of video NFT’s to prove ownership of the video asset by the members of the organisation. To provide all these features seamlessly Deca-Org has used SDK and various API’s provided by Livepeer. Deca-org was largely benefited by the use of Livepeer to process our video assets and NTfs to provide a secure way to facilitate the flow of assets within the DAO. Deca-Org was able to achieve a special notable feat of minting of video assets and livestreams using Livepeer. Organisations often tend to use asset sharing mediums which are way less reliable and unorganised way of representing those assets, but with Livepeer, Deca-Org has made it easy to overcome these challenges. Deca-Org is providing a complete dashboard to upload assets which will be visible to other peers of the organisation on the dashboard and also they would be able to play those assets by using video player. By using OBS studio with the help of Livepeer, Deca-Org was successfully able to Live Stream and record important video messages addressed to the members of the DAO. The coolest feature provided by Livepeer is Minting of Video NFT’s, integrating the feature of minting video assets for the members of organisation so that they can claim ownership of the assets uploaded by peers, also on the dashboard of NFT minting, Deca-Org is giving a unique option to mint the recordings of the Live Streams which were streamed by the members of the organisation. All of these NFTs are available on OpenSea to view.

Push: A great feature within any organisation is seamless and secure communication between the members of the organisation. Deca-Org is using the Push Chat to implement chats between the members.

LightHouse: Deca-Org allows secure storage, encryption and decryption of files inside the organization and channels using LightHouse SDK.

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