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De-Research can be used to store open access papers and journals. They can store (as proofs) the results of reproducible experiments and provide incentives for scientists to upload new papers over time.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

De-Research is a Web3 application made for researchers to upload their research papers and publications without relying on central authorities for verifying their papers. It gives freedom to researchers by taking away power from any one authority and distributing it into public votes and verifying papers using quadratic voting on credits based on your level of authority. It also enhances ipfs to store files in decentralised location rather than relying on any central cloud service.

How it's Made

In our project we used, Solidity to write smart contracts for ledger of User-account and Cid of files and we used filecoin and lighthouse to store our data and web3.js to iteract with our securely written smart contracts. We wrote 2 smart contracts implementing quadratic voting system and de centralised storage using filecoin , FVM and lighthouse. We also use infura for rpc calls and also used ether.js for web3 decentralised authentication

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