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De-blog. Write & read centralized blogs, or switch to decentralized mode. Chat anonymously with other users using our push-protocol chat bot. We utilize the Polygon, FVM, and Optimism blockchains, and store your data securely on IPFS. FUTURE OF BLOGGING


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

This project gives the end user an option to write and read a blog both in either a centralized manner or in a decentralized manner. The app uses browser based frontend and metamask wallet connection to upload the blog. The most important feature here is that the end user will have an option for his activities. He/she can go public or anonymous. Its their choice. For a centralized backend I have used NodeJS in backend and MySQL as database, strictly for centralized blogs only. For Frontend of the entire application, I have used React and Javascript. I have used Push protocol for implementing the decentralized chat bot. The chat bot allows the end user to interact with the blog owner anonymously. It requires metamask connection as well. The entire blog can be deployed on any chain. I have used IPFS to store these blogs on the blockchain. The chains that I have used are optimism and FVM. I have also used react state management functions here. The smart contracts were written in Solidity. Also the user can view the decentralized vlogs without having a metamask account.

How it's Made

This project uses React for the frontend and the backend for the decentralized part uses Solidity. The routing in the application is done using react-router-dom and useLocation hook. The de-blogs are stored in IPFS on different chains like FVM and Optimism. I have also included a chat bot using Push protocol. The push protocol makes it extremely easy for its usage. It allows us to use the chat bot button as a component which can be placed anywhere in the frontend and it will be rendered in bottom-left corner of the screen by default. For the optional centralized backend I have used NodeJS in backend and MySQL as database. I have also used React quill for allowing text editing in my blog application.

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