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dCustody bridge

We will build a layer (as a smart contract) to help bridging and swap assets to facilitate the common human interaction. Using crosschain messaging like Chainlink-CCIP / Wormhole

dCustody bridge

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The project combine the bridge technology + swap protocols to facilitate the common human interaction with crypto/defi world. The idea is to make easiest as possible for the user to onboard crypto world (not included yet) and then let him move assets between chains and then deposit/trade for anything he want in the destination chain.

How it's Made

We use mainly Chainlink-CCIP and Wormhole messaging protocol to bridge assets from one chain to other and then, in the destination chain make a swap (if needed) with swap aggregator like Paraswap (or any custom that we want). CCIP contracts are tested from Sepolia-testnet to Mumbai-testnet with hardhat forking network, and Wormhole are with foundry (as the native sample projects).

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