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A cross-chain permissionless oracle protocol for smart contracts built on top of Optimism's s newly created OP stack chains or superchains.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Datum is a cross-chain permissionless oracle protocol for your smart contracts built on top of Optimism's newly created OP stack chains and Superchain.

Smart Contracts needs Off-Chain data to build useful applications and data availability is an integral part of any Op stack Chain. With DATUM , now you can get off chain data from Chainlink and UMA oracles straight to your chains in seconds and minimal setup of Oracle Nodes.

There are endless possiblities of dApps which can be built with the help of Data provided oracles like Predictions Markets , Insurance Claims , DEFI Appilcations and a lot more.

We are Supporting 5 types of Oracles currently :-

  1. Price Oracles - Get price info on chain with Chainlink Price Feeds for multiple coin pairs.

  2. VRF - Verifiable randomness with Chainlink VRFv2 , to get random words and uints to build lottery applications and other purposes

  3. Optimistic Oracle V2 - Off Chain data like prices , YES OR NO queries , Valuations and indexes and lot more

  4. Optimistic Oracle V3 - The OOV3 is an oracle for arbitrary off-chain data which leverages an interactive escalation game between asserters and disputers and is secured by economic incentives.

  5. API Oracle - Any sort of API GET calls , to fetch off chain data, like Sports and Weather info directly on Chain.

The Data is obtained in a decentralized manner via Chainlink's Oracle network and UMA's system

How it's Made

We built this project by integrating Chainlink and UMA oracle systems . There are 2 sets of contract , one are deployed on Goerli Chain to interact with the oracles directly from the above protocols. Other one can be deployed on any new chain , which can be used further to interact with the oracles. The Oracle node does the job of tracking the events and transferring data between the two chains.

The Datum-contract library can be installed directly from NPM Registery , and there are example dApps available in the Docs , on how to use them .

The backend code was written in JS and with the help of ethers.js . We built the node easy to setup in simple steps , and configure for your own networks. User need to deploy the Oracle Contracts on the new chain and then Run the node , exact steps are added in Gitbook.

The frontend was made using Next.js and the Docs were added using Gitbook , for Good developer experience .

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