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DataLink DAO

DataLink DAO utilizes zero-knowledge technology, oracles, and a monetized data-sharing infrastructure to create the future of identity and data validation.

DataLink DAO

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

DataLink DAO empowers individuals and businesses to take control of their data through the power of zero-knowledge verification, monetized data sharing, and user-owned data. Our DAO rewards system aims to incentivize data sharing and participation in the community.

For the information age to move forward, there needs to a be decentralized truth engine that can verify data, documents, identity, by anonymous, secure processes. Identities can easily be forged. Some identities that would have big social and monetary impact are medical doctors, lawyers, judges, or any other position that involves high trust in the entities’ expertise. There is no incentive for keeping your data safe for these big companies that initially collect the data. With DataLink DAO’s incentivization model, organizations and users are rewarded for participating and providing value to the DAO.

The DataLink Dashboard serves as a tokenization and validation platform for credentials and other data. The DataLink Dashboard is just one product available within the suite of products but was the focus of this hackathon. A publisher applies to join the DAO and onboards. The publisher than becomes verified by the DAO and can create a storage plan through FVM and it's storage providers(WIP). With the storage plan in place, the publisher can tokenize data as necessary. Creation of the tokenized document is done via input form for the moment with bulk upload planned. Validation and many other features are forthcoming in the next update.

DataLink DAO will unlock new value streams for industries and companies of all scales to monetize and validate their data to avoid fraud and automate administration. The use cases for this type of data ecosystem affects almost every industry.

How it's Made

This project is build upon the FVM infrastructure utilizing the Filecoin hyperspace testnet. Our integration of Lighthouse allowed encryption of the data before uploading to IPFS nodes. As well as the decryption when retrieving those files for validation, viewing, or sharing. Lighthouse allowed access control within DataLink DAO for different roles. The DAO framework is completed for future governance implementations. The dapp uses a next/chakra front-end and solidity smart contracts powering the dao and the creation of organizations, mini-daos and their tokenized documents and data NFTs. Ethers.js allows easy calls of important smart contract functions.

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