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Data Spaces for Education & Skills

Data space portal to facilitate the emergence of sovereign ecosystems of education and skills data in Europe

Data Spaces for Education & Skills

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

We believe in a human-centric data ecosystem where people are in charge of their data and their destiny. For that we need to provide tools to people and organisations to empower them with their data and allow data to be shared and used in a trustworthy way. Many organizations, public and private, in Europe have great innovations and datasets in the sector of Education and Skills. However, the exchange of data among these actors has been very limited due to several factors:

  • lack of existing, easily available and secure building blocks enabling data exchange
  • the unilateral aggregation and centralization of personal data by a few dominant players
  • the complexity of EU regulation about data (e.g. GDPR)

How it's Made

This project uses Nextjs13 (no app directory), wagmi, siwe. The MVP is not ready, a lot of features are not yet developed and prevent an optimal use. FVM is used for data access control (data owner receives a use request of his data and can accept or decline, and define which data will be accessible)

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