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rapido web app build on ipfs, polygon and Nextjs. We are looking to build more on this.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

The project dapp is for an online suite that is built using Tableland and a SQL DB on top of IPFS. It is a piece of developer software created for decentralised networks to record and copy data. In addition to using smart on polygon for interaction, this project also uses Nextjs for the front end, Ipfs for the storage of JSON files, and Hardhat for solid development tools. We also construct and save models using a table.

How it's Made

The project dapp is for an online suite that is built using Tableland and a SQL DB on top of IPFS. It is a piece of developer software created for decentralised networks to record and copy data. In addition to using smart on polygon for interaction, this project also uses Nextjs for the front end, Ipfs for the storage of JSON files, and Hardhat for solid development tools. We also construct and save models using a table.

background image mobile

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