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DAOs Got Talent

DAO's Got Talent – A community-led decentralized open-source art movement!

DAOs Got Talent

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Project Description

We are an exciting new collaborative PFP creation DAO.

We use layered artwork from open-source submissions to create PFP NFTs.

Artists create a part of the NFT, never the whole – the outcome is entirely unknown, even to the creators!

Our open submission process reduces barriers to entry, and encourages an active participation economy.

Contributors are awarded tokens, which can be used to purchase NFTs and allow voting on DAO proposals (including artwork submissions).

We build community and collaborative opportunities for artists!

Do you have what it takes? Just DAO it!

10 Submissions already, including 3 external submissions.

Full Details: 👉

How it's Made

We are harnessing the power of Github and a customised javascript art-creation engine based on the depository.

This project makes use of community voting power through DAOHAUS, and is currently running with a native DGT token on Rinkeby testnet. We will launch on Polygon Mainnet.

For the Polygon mainnet version – we will be building a NFT minting interface and store which uses Zora. We will host our NFT image and metadata decentralised with IPFS or Arweave.

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