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A decentralized Dao Review platform, where one can give review to the dao and helping community, and daos can get reviewed to assess themselves


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Problem Statement DAOs are too many in number and apart from the discovery problem, there are several other reasons why they are unable to scale.Most DAOs are a black box functionality wise. An external user who wants to join a DAO has no information about how these DAOs work internally and what's the community feedback.

SOLUTION: A DAO review platform.

There are a lot of DAOs that are doing great work and there are equally shotty DAOs that ignore the community members altogether.

What if there is a way to hold these DAOs accountable ? This is where our solution would come into picture.

There are only a few active contributors in every DAO but their review and experience of the community can create huge avenues for DAOs to expand and be held accountable to the public in general.

We can have a simple workflow such as this:

  • DAOs can come and register themselves on our platform.
  • These DAOs can be NFT gated or ERC-20 gated.
  • On the DAO discovery page, users can view all the DAOs and click on a particular DAO to add a review. The review gets stored on IPFS and the hash gets stored on the contract.
  • Other DAO members can upvote/downvote reviews.
  • Adding reviews and upvoting/down voting can't be kept gated. however, read actions can be public.
  • Those who are interested in knowing more about particular reviews can open up secret chats with reviewer using XMTP.

The reviews can be one more step gated for particular activities by the DAO. For ex: A DAO did an AMA and wanted reviews on it. They can add that particut event and the gating method for it (POAP based) and only those who attended the AMA can review.

How it's Made

Actually its still work in progress, currently we managed to complete the contract and made couple of pages of for the frontend. Contract handles all the registrations and all the eventsthat are happening, while ipfs is being used to store the reviews and dao's metadata and contract only stores the hash from the ipfs.

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