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DAOFetcher is a platform for users to easily receive updates and learn about a given DAO's culture.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🔴 Optimism — Just Deploy!


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Problem: How can we improve DAO’s accessibility? A lot of people have no clue when they first join a DAO discord server, and gets really easy for people to get overwhelmed by the amounts of informations in discord. Not everybody wants to buy the membership first to get to know a DAO community, there can be a cheaper or lighter access to the community to get to know the DAO first before they make their purchase decision. Not everyone has the same chain access when it comes to minting DAO memberships, some might only have a certain chain gas token that is not native to the original DAO community’s membership NFT.

Solution: DAOFetcher is an intelligent platform tool that allows users to quickly read summaries and access select token-gated content in order to orient and get a sense of a given DAO's culture. By combining our self-written and deployed EVM smart contracts (Polygon, Mantle, and more), aggregation features, and OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo, we offer users unique insights into the world of DAOs and what they offer in seconds.

How it's Made

We used Nextjs and Rainbow Wallet for a simple yet elegant frontend webapp for users to interact with. Using Hardhat for Solidity Smart Contract Development, Testing, and Deployment to chains including Polygon Mumbai, Optimism Goerli, Scroll Testnet, Mantle Testnet, and Gnosis Chain Chiado! We used Polybase Database for chat data storage that fetch everytime when we load the chat page, and saves every new conversation messages in it. Last but not least, We utilized implemented OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo into a Discord bot to summarize all announcement channels in discord server that created the summary for users, written in Python!

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