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DAO-Dash is a treasury management dashboard for DAO portfolios. It allows for the simulation of portfolio asset distributions, proposal backed rebalancing of fund allocations and real time tracking of changes to the distribution or aggregated value of a DAOs portfolio.


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Project Description

For an in-depth overview of the project and mechanisms (with graphics!) see our slide deck here:

DAO-Dash is a treasury management dashboard for DAO asset portfolios. Its open source frontend is built with Scaffold-eth, OpenZeppelin contracts, The Graph subgraphs, GraphQL, and Chainlink price aggregators deployed onto the Polygon Mumbai testnet.

Features include:

  • Portfolio Manager Simulation : Simulate creating assets in a portfolio to represent a DAO

  • Portfolio Manager Balancing : Balance function that randomizes changes of the asset allocations

  • Dashboard : Real-time Balance tracking of portfolios and all change events using The Graph

  • Dashboard : Enriching Fair Token Prices of assets using Chainlink’s Price Aggregator

Future iterations of the project will embed the Governance voting function so that DAO members can verify that the passed proposals match the transactions made to the portfolio. We hope the open source nature of the work we’ve done can encourage different DAOs and DAO members to be more mindful of treasury management activities.

How it's Made

Our hackathon project leveraged:

  • Scaffold-eth & Openzeppelin : Base UI and quick testing/deployment framework for hacking with common libraries
  • The Graph : Subnets created with a schema for a list of pre-deployed portfolio tokens
  • Chainlink : Price Aggregator pulling existing prices for the assets in the portfolio and for each event

All in all, we're very grateful for all the bootstrapping APIs and tools available from the ETHMexico sponsors and looking forward to building upon it in the future.

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