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Cyclone is an Aztech Noir powered zero knowledge proof of access/subscription framework. It can be used to quickly build and deploy modular zk apps.


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Winner of


🥉 Aztec — Best Use

Project Description

Cyclone is an Aztech Noir powered zero knowledge proof of access/subscription framwork. Users can generate a zero knowledge commitment with their private key and a nullifier. On the server side, they only store a merkle tree of the commitments such that they don't have any information relating to their users. In order to add new commitment to the service provider, service provider will provide a customized verification method either for owning something on chain or an onchain payment with the message requested. Note that the ownership or payment accout does not have to match the account that is used to produce the commitment.

How it's Made

This project uses Aztech Noir as the basic zero knowledge framework. It takes a private key and a nullifier as inputs and outputs a unique zero knowledge commitment for the private key owner. To grant access to the user, service provider can generate an one time pass for the user to add their commitment to the list of allowed/permitted commitments. This project is intented to be developed as a modular plugin such that anywhere a user permission need to happen can make use of it.

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