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CryptoQuest League

XMTP-powered group chat bot for DeFi-themed riddles. Solve DeFi puzzles, form teams, compete on the global leaderboard and earn on-chain points.

CryptoQuest League

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

CryptoQuest League is an interactive, educational group chatbot designed to make learning about decentralized finance (DeFi) fun and engaging. It turns the complex world of DeFi into an exciting game where players solve puzzles, compete in teams, and earn on-chain points.

Core Features

  1. DeFi-Themed Puzzles: Regular crypto and DeFi-related riddles that challenge and educate players.

  2. Team-Based Competition: Users can form teams to collaborate on solving puzzles, fostering a community of learners and winning together.

  3. On-Chain Points System: Points earned from solving puzzles are recorded on the blockchain using Stack Network and can be later used to distribute rewards to the winning teams in a transparent manner.

  4. Real-Time Leaderboard: A live, blockchain-based leaderboard showcases top-performing teams and individuals.

  5. Daily DeFi Insights: Brief, educational snippets about various DeFi concepts are shared regularly, enhancing the learning experience.

  6. Group Chat Integration: Seamlessly works within group chats, making it easy for teams to discuss and solve puzzles together.

Future Enhancements

  1. NFT Rewards: Implement a system to mint and distribute NFTs as rewards for significant achievements.

  2. Defi-Track Rewards: Implement trackers that track the transactions of the users and reward them more points based on it.

How it's Made

CryptoQuest League is heavily based on @xmtp. It utilises the MessageKit for building the group messaging bot on top of XMTP.

Core Technologies

  1. XMTP

    • Role: Handles all messaging functionality within group chats.
    • Implementation:
      • It uses XMTP SDK to send and receive messages.
      • Implements XMTP MessageKit Context for efficient message and command handling.
  2. Stack Network

    • Role: Manages the on-chain points system and leaderboard.
    • Implementation:
      • Utilizes Stack Network's API for recording and retrieving point transactions.
      • Enables real-time leaderboard updates and transparent user scores.
  3. Converse

    • Role: Application used to interact with the XMTP bot.
  4. Firebase

    • Role: Handles game state management and data persistence.
    • Implementation:
      • Stores team information, current puzzles, and game configurations.
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