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Crypto Legacy

Pass on your crypto legacy

Crypto Legacy

Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


🏊 Valist — Prize Pool


🏊 Covalent — Pool Prize

Project Description

Crypto Legacy allows users to create a will of their crypto assets that will be automatically executed at a later point in time, to multiple beneficiaries on the network. User can approve their desired assets and the amount they wish to pass on to their beneficiaries. Once approved we create a will for their asset on the smart contract. We use the Gelato network to schedule execution of the will at the time of expiry. Once the will expires given the timestamp by the users, the execute will function on the smart contract will be automatically triggered by the Gelato network.

How it's Made


  • Smart contract storage optimization and verifying asset type.
  • Integrating push protocols, we tried to use the SDK inside the subgraph event handler but it didn't work out.
  • Figuring out what to use and what not to use, initially we had a use case for using subgraphs but later we didn't need to.
  • There were a lot of frontend challenges as well.
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