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Cryptea is a Blockchain payment processing software for businesses, aimed at making Crypto payments as seamless as Cards are, today.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Cryptea makes payment with Crypto easy, combining a browser-based frontend, a backend, and a couple of smart contracts, to enable cross-chain collection of payments for businesses. Cryptea enables individuals and businesses to receive payment easily by creating a payment link.

The process is quite easy, as we ensured simple UIs across the platform. Users only have to connect their wallets, which prompts them to fill in the required information. Upon completion, they're taken to their dashboards, where they have the liberty to create payment links, and even integrate the links to their platforms via our APIs. Users also have the liberty to edit the payment links, changing text, colour, and images on the payment links.

How it's Made

This project combines NextJS on the Frontend and Moralis/Laravel for the backend. We made use of Covalent's Unified API for wallet balance retrieval and deployed to various EVM chains, including Aurora, Oasis, Cronos, Optimism and Polygon. We made use of Figma for the UI design of the project.

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